Complete website re-design using WordPress and the Elementor commercial page builder, Content development and design using the new page builder, Application form development, Auto language translation for 6 languages by user selection, Mobile Friendly Responsive design, Search engine optimization, SSL Security certificate install, Staff training to manage content.
digital.iway solution
CAPCC Early Childhood Programs
Johnstown, PA

Client Description:
CAPCC Early Childhood Programs are federally and state funded programs designed to enhance the development of 0-5 year old children in Cambria County.
A total of 440 eligible families/children with incomes ranging from below poverty level to 300% of poverty level are served in these programs each year. Homelessness, foster care, and type of income can be determining factors for eligibility. Children with disabilities are included.
Community Action Partnership of Cambria County is the Grantee agency.
Selective focus of children playing game on floor in montessori school